
Mentoring w moim wydaniu: początek
[rec.] Y’all are sleeping on HTTP/3 by Kevin McDonald
[rec.] Wypalenie w IT - blog
[rec.] Locking Mechanisms in High-Load Systems by luminousmen
[rec.] Database Sharding for System Design Interview by Soma
PAIDA #2 - video
Zaproszenie na PAIDA #2
[rec.] Build your own X
Relacja z meetup “STX on Tour” edycja Toruń 2024
Zaproszenie na meetup “STX on Tour” edycja Toruń 2024
[rec.] The Code Review Pyramid by Gunnar Morling
[rec.] How to deal with privacy and GDPR in Event-Driven systems by Oskar Dudycz
[rec.] git rebase: what can go wrong? by Julia Evans
[rec.] How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
[rec.] System Design 101